We know how to

Lose Weight Without Dieting

We offer you a sustainable and healthy weight loss solution.

We provide

Advise Tailored As Per Your Needs

Our approach is tailored to each individual.

We help you

Making Delicious Healthy Meals

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Welcome ...

to Nutri Fit Dubai, first online Nutrition Consulting platform in Middle East

At Nutri Fit Dubai, we treat and care for each customer as if they were a family member.

As nutritionists, we will do everything in our power to make sure you achieve your goal in the most efficient and sustainable way possible

We will be your partner in...

Breaking free from the overwhelming and unhealthy food and diet obsession that’s been making you feel guilty, out of control and “like a failure”

Learning why you’ve struggled with your weight for so long and the secrets for finding and maintaining your balanced weight without restricting what you eat, tracking every bite, mentally stressing about food or obsessing over the scale

Discovering why the “good” food vs. “bad” food mentally doesn’t actually support your health and how to heal your relationship with food and your body so you can easily nourish yourself properly while also enjoying the many roles food has in your life

Get to the root of what’s causing you to be disconnected from your body and meal experience and the simple habit you need to build to overcome overeating it for good

Getting you to a place where you actually enjoy making nourishing choices and feel confident and empowered of how you’re caring for your health 

"Today more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies, and lack of physical exercise."

Mike Adams

Why choose us?

We Will Help You To:

Our Programs 

Our Programs Work!

Health Assessment

When you visit our facility, you will be asked to fill in a detailed evaluation form. This is meant to help us acquire detailed information about your eating habits, lifestyle and current health situation, based on which we will formulate a plan to help you with weight loss in Dubai.

Body Composition Metric

The team at our weight loss clinic in Dubai will then take technical and scientific measurements of your respective body composition. This includes measurements of body fat, weight and muscle mass in the various areas of your body.

Weight Loss Consultation

Our weight loss Dubai experts will discuss your goals and outline what you wish to achieve within a given timeframe. All of this is done while keeping your lifestyle, eating habits, preferences and time to work out into consideration.

Customized Diet Plans

We develop diet plans that are 100% tailored to your personal needs and preferences. The diet plans can be heavy in protein count, low on carbs, vegetarian, vegan, and even broken down into several meals throughout the day.

Easy-To-Make Recipes

Losing weight doesn’t mean that you should give up on having delicious meals completely. To make it easier for you to enjoy eating and living a fun lifestyle, we will provide you with a detailed list of local restaurants and delicious recipes, so you can lose weight while having fun!

Regular Follow-up

To make it easier for you to achieve a sustainable lifestyle change, and to ensure that you keep those unwanted pounds off your body, we will also provide you with follow-up consultation sessions as per your needs.

Getting Back in Shape After Lockdown

The past year has been hard on everyone and it has been difficult for those who are trying to lose weight or trying to keep the weight off that they lost prior to Covid-19. Being stuck at home for long periods of time, unable to get to the gym, ordering takeaway food that may or may not be all that healthy, and stress-related eating have caused many people to suffer setbacks to their diet and nutrition goals.

Our weight loss dietitians have already helped many of you to get back in shape. If you haven’t done anything yet to get back on track, it is never too late, our weight loss nutritionists are here to help you!

Contact Us

Frequently Asked Questions

A calorie is a unit of energy. If you take in more calories (energy) than your body needs, the excess calories are stored as fat for later use. The problem is that most people don’t ever access that stored fat. Instead, they continue to eat more calories than they need, and the stored energy (fat) continues to increase.

Sometimes. The problem is they almost never produce sustainable weight loss because they don’t address things like a person’s lifestyle habits, mindset, their activity level and more. A weight loss experienced dietitian from Dietitian Fit will look at the whole picture before recommending any dietary changes. As a result, you will have a much better chance of not only losing weight, but keeping it off in the long-term. The dietitian will also provide tools and resources to help you change your habits sustainably and effectively. 

“Metabolism” describes the body’s process of transforming food into energy. But if a person eats more than they need, the excess energy is metabolised into fat and stored for later use. People will have varying speeds of metabolism, for many different reasons. A weight loss dietitian from Dietitian Fit will determine what role your metabolism is playing in your weight loss picture.

Recent studies confirm that overweight parents tend to have overweight children. But while genetics have a role to play in determining a person’s weight they cannot be used as an excuse for inaction. Even people who come from a long line of overweight family members can lose body fat and keeping it off if they receive appropriate weight loss guidance – the kind you will get with a dietitian at Dietitian Fit!

You can. But the real question is “Can I keep the weight off without exercising?” Being physically active is one of the best ways to help continue with your weight loss. Don’t forget that exercise can have a strong impact on our mental health, as well as our physical health. A weight loss dietitian at Dietitian Fit can devise a plan of physical activity that will suit your weight loss needs.

Ideally, aiming for slow but steady progress is key to help ensure long term success. Losing weight too fast can mean the weight loss is unsustainable, which leads to a higher chance of weight regain. On average, a healthy weight loss can be between 1-2lbs (0.5-1kg) a week. However, there are many factors that will influence the rate of weight loss in an individual, so it’s important to have guidance from an experienced dietitian who can support you through this process. 

When working with one of our experienced dietitians at Dietitian Fit & Co, it is part of our service to provide you with a customised meal guide, usually during your first consultation. This is not a meal plan specific to what to eat every day, but instead it provides you with a guidance and structure on how to balance meals, giving you the flexibility to still choose foods you enjoy when cooking, along with some help around portion sizes that are personalised to you, specifically to help towards your goals. 

There is no right answer for this, but most people find that weighing in once a week is ideal. This is because there are many other influences on body weight that have nothing to do with your body fat – such as water fluctuations, which happen daily. However it is important to find what works for you. 


There are other factors to consider, such as timing of meals, bowel movements, exercise levels, hormones and hydration which all impact the number on the scales. Aim to weigh in at the same time in the morning each week with or without clothes, after going to the toilet but before eating or drinking anything, for the most accurate reading.  


It’s also important to keep in mind important non-scale signs of progress such as tape measurements and how your clothes fit, changes in your fitness or energy levels. The scales do not reflect all the progress! 


If you find that using the scales has a negative impact on how you feel, strongly consider using non-scale signs of progress instead to help with your mindset overall. Discuss this with your dietitian who will be able to offer guidance and support.

No. When working with a Registered Dietitian in our team, we will help support and guide you on your weight loss journey, without having to cut out any foods or drinks that you enjoy. There are no banned foods here, instead you will work on enjoying these foods more mindfully and in more moderate portions, helping you control cravings and enjoy these as a part of an overall balanced diet, whilst working towards your health goals at the same time. 

Cutting out any food will likely decrease your calorie intake, increasing the chance of weight loss. However, this is only going to be successful in the short term. Cutting anything out for too long can leave you feeling deprived, and eventually you will end up over-eating these foods when you have access to them. You also risk nutritional deficiencies in the process! 


Instead, learning to include all food groups is important, as they each have a role to play in our health and wellbeing. You will be guided by a Registered Dietitian in our team, to help make the best choices in the right balance for you, to ensure long term and achievable weight loss that you can keep off!